Kundalini Activation Facilitator
Somatics Training
Imagine a journey where every step aligns your inner gifts with authenticity. Where self-acceptance isn't just a goal, but a lived experience that transforms your very being.

UNLOCK the power of Kundalini Activation
Join us for a six-day/ five-night immersive experience led by licensed Kundalini Activation facilitators Jameelah and Jenoa Harlow.
Through multiple Kundalini Activation Sessions daily, you'll delve deep into the realms of wholeness and self-love.
This isn't just a training; it's a gateway to unimaginable experiences in the 5D, where your outlook on life will be forever shaped.

What You'll Experience:
Ancient Wisdom Through Modern Application: Harness ancient Aboriginal healing alongside cutting-edge somatic techniques.
Inner Guidance Mastery:
Develop a deep sense of inner guidance, enabling you to trust and follow your intuition.
Emotional Alchemy:
Learn to transmute emotions into powerful sources of motivation and success.
Self-Blessing Rituals:
Cultivate practices that nourish your soul and overflow with positivity onto others.
May 12 - 18th, 2024
Join us in Costa Rica for EMBODIED —
— where ancient wisdom meets modern transformation.
Embark on a journey that will reshape your understanding of self and healing.
On the easternmost tip of Costa Rica, nestled next to the Caribbean Sea - these lands hold powerful energy for healing and transformation. Rich in crystal quartz throughout Costa Rica, it is believed that this geode is a powerful magnifier of energy. Puerto Viejo, as a vortex, calls in the highest timelines - encouraging its earth children to shed what no longer serves and step into full alignment and authenticity. Those who are not ready for change tend to ‘bounce off’ of Puerto; unable to stay in its frequency. However, those who embrace inner growth will find its quiet coves, its rich, dark, magnetized earth, its bird’s songs, and its salty seas - to be a place of escalated transformation. This protected space is said to be blessed by its African descended ancestors - who freed themselves from slavery. Due to discrimination, they were regulated to the east of Limon. Puerto Viejo de Talamanca was originally called Wolaba over 200 years ago, and remains a center for Indigenous culture (The Bri Bri Tribe) that protected its practices, language, and lands through colonization. The mix of cultures, vibrant colors, wildlife, and healing peace illuminate Puerto Viejo as a singular experience of divine love.

Learn, as our ancestors once did, how to draw energy from the plants, trees, and soil around you. Each day you’ll learn a new technique of how to energetically tap into the flow of nature to regulate your nervous system and recharge the soul.
Exploring techniques from the Ngangkari and Yoruba cultures, focusing on different focal points using the hands, feet, spine, throat and heart. Connect with nature using your raw, kundalini life force - take these practices home to regularly enhance your electromagnetic field.

Four Pillars of the In-Person Training
Sample Schedule
6 Days/ 5 Nights Training in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Raw food breakfast - 7:00 - 7:45 am;
EcoTherapy - 8:00 - 10:00 am;
Kundalini Activation I - 11:00 am - 1:30 pm;
Raw food lunch - 1:30 - 2:30 pm;
Somatic Wisdom - 3:00 - 3:30 pm;
Kundalini Activation II - 3:33 - 6:00 pm;
Raw food dinner - 6:30 - 7:30 pm;
On the Caribbean coast ...

We have a step by step process that not only brings forward your inner ability to activate kundalini energy in others, but also includes a six month container that prepares you how to use that gift wisely.
Our program is unique as it takes the rich integration process using somatic (body-led) wisdom. By supporting the nervous system, we can encourage our energetic bodies to digest the gems from huge epiphanies leading to profound clarity.
This means we can incorporate the benefits into our daily lives and interactions as responsive family members, leaders and community supporters. Learn modern full-body listening skills in a spacious six month container that will prepare you to hold the energy in your communities.
Kundalini Activation
33 minute transmissions from Jameelah and/or Jenoa (certain sessions are longer and with special guests);
A generous Q&A where you can bring any and all questions as you begin to hold small sessions in your community.
Four Pillars of Six Months of Integration

How to hold an energetic field of heightened kundalini energy and transmit non-dual consciousness with both private 1:1 and group clients.
How to identify and support nervous system irregularities using energy work, and the sensitive space.
How to be an empathetic listener, how to empower others nonverbally, and hold space with integrity.
How to authentically incorporate your own inner wisdom and guidance to support your clients, loved ones, and greater community.

How to facilitate the energy in an online space;
How to setup online scheduling options;
Online marketing 101;
How to setup surveys to collect testimonials and feedback;
Spiritual hygiene - how to cleanse yourself before and after sessions;
How to mentally and energetically prepare before holding space;
Navigating resistance you feel by stepping into the wellness space as an energy worker;
Crafting a narrative around your unique story, what you’ve overcome, and the unique offerings and community that you serve.
‘Done for you’ templates for flyers;
‘Done for you’ ceremony scripts to guide clients;
‘Done for you’ survey templates so you can collect ongoing feedback to strengthen your practice;
An online community solely for Embodied program graduates;
Inclusion in our database of authorized Kundalini Activation Facilitators.

You no longer have to piecemeal how to hold space as a kundalini activation facilitator. It is all wrapped in a bow waiting for you. From integration to business how-to guides – you will learn everything you need to confidently step into a life of sharing your gifts and unique life experience with the world.
We have carefully considered what was missing from our multiple Kundalini and Non-Dual trainings and thoughtfully added it.
Total Value:
Yours For:
*Payment plans available through Klarna $583/monthly
You are ready to step into your life’s purpose;
You are ready to offer deep insight and relief to your community;
You want to be filled up with beautiful life force energy and purpose, each and every time you hold space for others;
You are ready for your next path and sharing your inner gifts with the world.
You are looking for a quick fix;
You aren't coachable;
You aren't willing to dedicate time into becoming a Kundalini Activation facilitator;
You don't want or are unable to meet over video call/ zoom.
After our first Kundalini Activation training, both Jenoa and I both experienced extreme clarity and inner freedom in life. Your entire outlook can change for the better after the initial six day in-person training.
Now the tools we’ve put together can be all yours - if you’re ready to jump into self trust, self belief, and self actualization..
xx Jameelah & Jenoa
What's Included?
6 Day Training in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
6 Month Somatic Study & Integration Container

Six days of in-person training in Costa Rica, including daily Kundalini Activation Sessions. ($2,040 value)
Gorgeous, tropical retreat center overlooking a vast sparkling pool, nestled in the jungle. ($1,200 value)
Eco-therapy explorations in the untouched landscapes of Puerto Viejo.
($400 value)
Raw vegan meals.
($300 value)
A six-month virtual integration container beginning after the initial six day in-person.
($1,188 value)
Membership container with regular support, checklists, email communication, Q&A, resources and daily practices pool, community hub …
Specialized training in Somatic Coaching and Therapy tailored for energy workers.
($1,497 value)
Support in nervous system regulation and well-being integration.
($1,455 value)
Recorded somatic teachings and expert guidance in community building.
($199 value)
Mindset training to amplify your role as a wellness advocate.
($1,714 value)
Step by step process of how to transmute heavy energies - shadow work - how to safely navigate it in a trauma informed way.
($800 value)
Resources and templates to magnetize your wellness business authentically.
($439 value)
Coaching on finding your unique voice as an energy worker.
($1,188 value)
Monthly Zoom calls for ongoing learning and support.
(accounted for)
Guest lectures from industry experts to enhance your skills.
($300 value)
Optional reading recommendations and accountability groups for deeper integration. (accounted for)
A certificate of completion as a registered Kundalini Activation Facilitator and Somatics Level 1.
Total Value: $12,720
Yours For: $7,000
*Payment plans available through Klarna $583/monthly
Ongoing Support prior to the training and after completion of the certificate program.

Take online and in-person sessions FOR FREE upon registration and leading up to the training with both Jameelah and Jenoa (Collectively up to 3-4 sessions per weekly).
After the training, take all future sessions offered by Jameelah and Jenoa for $11.11 forever! (Lifetime access, a HUGE bonus)
The list of facilitators you can take classes with for $11.11 will expand as more sign up after completing the six month container and full certification.
You will be offered a spot in an ongoing membership with weekly and monthly exclusive offerings, recordings and research summaries of cutting-edge science in somatics, neurology, and physiology - as it relates to energy work.
Powerful energy upgrades to blossom into your full potential.

You might need that push, that encouragement, that certification to step into the life you have always dreamed :: being energetically of service to others. Not just physically helping their bodies, but expanding their minds and energetically providing support in the unseen realms where true, pivotal change is possible.
We have a step by step process that not only brings forward your inner ability to activate kundalini energy in others, but also includes a six month container that prepares you how to use that gift wisely.
Our fusion of somatics and ancient non-dual and life force energy techniques allows you to soften into a power that emanates all around you. In every room you walk in, and every person that you meet.
You're ready to pave a new path of freedom.
You're ready to package up your gifts and make impact.
You're ready to have a proven step by step process.
Learning kundalini activation and how to integrate that wisdom somatically does not have to be overwhelming or confusing.
Learning how to turn this gift into a business does not have to feel icky or forced.
It’s an opportunity to CELEBRATE a brand new chapter as a Kundalini Activation Facilitator and somatic guide - with myself and team behind you.
The wellness industry is growing. During 2020, more people became aware of their underlying unhappiness; and they made goals for mental and spiritual health. Energy work sits at a pivotal nexus in wellness, incorporating aspects like mindfulness, physical health, spirituality, and personal growth. With rising interest across the globe the wellness market is at $1.5 trillion with annual growth of 5 to 10 percent.* In short, there is an increasing demand, and there are not enough trained facilitators to hold this unique corner of wellness.
There are so many people out there who are waiting and EXCITED for you to share what you know.

To have a physical memory in your body of what it is to trust the unknown.
To cultivate an irrefutable feeling of being guided from within.
To instinctively know how to transmute and regulate your emotions, and use them as fuel for success.
To effortlessly pour blessings onto yourself that spills out onto others.
Imagine more deeply …
You can only take others as deeply as you have gone yourself. Trusting your own needs, trusting your own impulses, and deep knowing will open up a reservoir of untapped potential (which we all carry). As you learn to bless yourself, your ability to bless others deepens. EMBODIED is a training that teaches you how to make the leap .. and how to provide the launchpad for others.
I’m Jameelah, a facilitator of kundalini energy, a daughter of the divine, and a witness to others stepping into their fully realized potential. I’ll never forget the first time I felt kundalini energy activate within me - the sensation was indescribable. Both beautiful and powerful. As a lifelong artist that had attached narratives of struggle and stress in the concept of ‘pursuing my dreams’. I was battling within and without. Within a few weeks, I witnessed a transformation led by guidance from within to surrender.
You are powerful. Your voice matters. Your energy matters. And you can greatly encourage or inhibit those around you. You get to choose.
Meet the Team
Stay in luxury villas for five days and six nights, nestled in the heart of the Costa Rican jungle.
A full list of luxury casitas will be shared with you upon acceptance into the program and receipt of the welcome letter.

Ready To Transform Your Life?
Apply to discover more about this life-changing opportunity and claim your place.
LET'S CREATE a future where you shine brightly, aligned with authenticity and purpose.
Embrace the journey.
Embody your truth.
Purchase link shared upon acceptance in the program.
Transform your life this fall — because you deserve nothing less.
“My fullest concentration of energy is available to me only when I integrate all the parts of who I am, openly, allowing power from particular sources of my living to flow back and forth freely through all my different selves, without the restrictions of externally imposed definition. Only then can I bring myself and my energies as a whole to the service of those struggles which I embrace as part of my living.”

You are ready to stop combating or forcing life? If you are open to recognize the currents that are all around you that will lead you to your highest potential, your greatest self, which will provide the most beneficial impact to the world.
You are tired of playing it small and you're ready to make the leap into self trust, honoring intuition, being obedient to the ancestral wisdom and inner guidance you are receiving.
We will teach you how to see it, how to feel it in your body, and give you tools to integrate it into your daily life.
If you are looking for a quick solution to uneasiness and disharmony in your life.
If you want to control others and seek to gain more power for egoic reasons.
If you are currently prone to mania, delusion or psychosis -as this practice will expand your capacity to feel; you will need to be able to process your emotions between sessions and have a firm hold on reality.
Unlock the profound potential within yourself and others. Embrace EMBODIED and transform your life.

You can only guide others as deeply as you've journeyed yourself.
EMBODIED is your path to
trusting your needs,
and deep knowing ...
Unlocking reservoirs of untapped potential within.